Saturday, May 31, 2014

Introducing Le Muse... Yeolume Podo!

I had been eyeing Toymalaysia website for the longest time waiting for the right doll with the right price tag. For Doll collectors, most know Pullip dolls ain't cheap but they are stilll cheaper than BJD dolls like Dolfie, Iple House etc...

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Isn't she sooo cuteee?!
And then they created Yeolume dolls, the future daughter of Pullip... As fate would have it, one Yeolume Podo was on sale and I didn't think twice! The delivery was super fast as I made the payment on Sunday morning and it was shipped out in the evening, I was pretty impressed! Sadly, I wasn't home on Monday to receive the parcel so by the time I rushed to the Poslaju Branch at 5.30pm I was told I could wait for the postman to come back by 7.30pm. I couldn't get to pick my Yeolume that day and had to wait till Wednesday thanks to the Public holiday. But still, such joy to unbox my first Doll!


Modifying my Yeolume to an Obistu body..

I didn't quite like the original body as the joints were hard to bend for poses. I had bought an Obitsu 27cm body for some time so I got busy and took apart my Yeolume. Removing her wig was the most difficult part of the process but her neck is still kinda loose. But definately looks better on a 27cm Obitsu body!
I got really busy after her arrival! Most of the Projects had been left aside as there was no real motivation without a muse... haha... So I finally got cracking and started putting up the wallpapers to the cheap Tesco shelf I bought few months ago and getting the bed ready! I also finished matching comforters and pink pillows!



Sunday, May 18, 2014

Trial Sofa...

So I bought some scrap fabric some time back from a nearby Textile shop to do some test runs, knowing I most likely will screw it up the first few tries...

Oddly enough, I kinda enjoy sewing. Hand-sewing. I do find it therapeutic as it reminds me of my late Grandma. She sewed all kinds of things and had a pretty beat-up plastic box where she keeps all her sewing stuff. With her failing eyesight, she always had trouble putting the thread through the needle and that was primarily my job...
My friend, Ms. T said anyone can use a Sewing machine, but true skill is in the hand-stitiching kungfu. I had previously put the kimono Project on hold as I cringed at my own hand stitches! It was so untidy! Nevertheless, I had the ideas for a mini armchair and set about sewing the cushions. At first I just couldnt get the seams right.

Recycled an old donated working pants to make the miniature bed! It helps to have a sturdy fabric!

Well, with Youtube & Google being my Teacher, I googled on the few common hand-stitching styles and gave the Blind ladder stitch a go. I couldn't get it at first, but with me, there is no giving up! I tried again on the mini bed and was glad it turned out neat!

I was finally motivated to get cracking as I had ordered my first little Doll, a Yeolume Podo! *Excited* :)  More updates coming!