Monday, March 31, 2014

Cold Porcelain: Trials and tribulations....

I first got inspired with Cold  Porcelain Clay after seeing Miniature food Art by very talented people out there! I mean look at it, isn't it totally adorbs?

Little Bread and Pastries goodies....
Like Erhmehgerd!.........
There are also crazy things like Re-ment, produced by a Japanese company that makes kinda realistic Miniature food and accessories! They get snapped up very quickly and you have to pre-order them!

Ok, you can see why I get excited over this now right? Hehe...
Few weeks ago I thought ok let's try to make some Cold Porcelain at home. Ingredients are simple and you might already have all this at home...
1 cup Cornstarch preferably or cornflour
1 cup PVA glue
1 big spoon distilled vinegar
1 big spoon Baby oil, olive oil or mineral oil
Lotion on standby
All the websites online really made it sound easy, there were only about 2 or 3 sites that were honest and said its not easy to make! You either undercook or over cook and the whole blob becomes useless. You can cook it over your stove or microwave.
Two disastrous batches later, I think I finally got the third batch about right! I recommend watching videos on Youtube to see the consistency when it's just cooked to get a better idea. There will be try and errors but here are some important steps:
1- Mix all the ingredients in a pan not used for consumption. PVA glue goes in first, followed by vinegar & Oil, then add cornstarch little by little and stir until nicely mixed.
Stove method:
Heat stove at low heat, keep mixing for like 30secs to 1 minute then remove from heat. If it's still watery put it back on the stove for another 30secs. Once its done the lump wont stick to the pot. Take out and start kneading until smooth!
Microwave method:
Mix everything together in microwave-safe bowl, make sure no lumps. Put in microwave for 15secs, take out and mix thoroughly. Repeat again for 15secs or until mixture forms a small ball.
Do wrap your porcelain clay in cling film or zip lock bag and put it in a  jar. I have tried first 2 batches with lime juice as some recipes suggest lemon or lime juice as preservatives but sadly, mine has turned like this in 5 days.


The lotion is actually to spread your work surface when you knead the clay ball. It will be quite sticky, I actually did panic a little, don't worry dust your hands with cornflour and it will get smoother and easier to handle. Also spread the lotion on the cling film before you wrap so it doesnt stick on the cling film! Leave it fo rest for 24 hours before working with it.
To check if your Cold Porcelain turned out ok, pinch apart a section and the ends should be tear shaped.

Third batch *fingers crossed*  


  1. Wow! Hope this batch turns out really well and you can make all sorts of deceptively yummy-looking miniature food!

    1. Third batch is looking promising Mate!! :) I can make you some to play if you want? I'm waiting for it to dry and hopefully no cracks when it dries! Can't wait to make my own MIniature sushi ! :D
